High quality full color offset printing on multiple premium paper stock & color options.

File Format : The image resolution should be saved at a minimum of 300 DPI at 100% of their dimensions of their print size.
CityPrint uses CMYK 4 color process printing. This will create high quality process printing. For bleeds we need a minimum of 1/8 inch bleed all around.
We accept the following file types: EPS, Illustrator AL, Indesign, (with fonts and linked images). PDF and image formats including: Photoshop, PSD, TIF, JPG, PNG, and others. We can also work with some microsoft documents. (Word Publisher and others)
Bleed Explained:
Presses cannot print to the edge of a finished sheet reliably over a run; the piece must be printed on larger paper and then trimmed down for a professional finished product. This a bleed. If the image extends to the edge of the finished piece, you must design them to continue off the “page” to allow an area to accommodate some trim.

No Bleed